Friday, July 30, 2010

Rock Memorial

Kanyakumari ,southern tip of India,the place where sun wakes up and sets, this land is spiritual to billions all over the world,the presiding goddess Kanyakumari and the monk swami vivekanandha who made india reverberate by his speech and actions Swami Vivekananda who went upon meditating on this very place a small island , a rock for 3 days to think for his country and its men,at this place stands Rock memorial as tribute to this monk.

Now, we have a huge statue of Saint Poet Thiruvalluvar who born in mylapore and presented his short poems known as Thirukural in tamil.


Thirukkural is one of most revered ancient works in the Tamil [7] . Kural is considered as 'World common faith'[citation needed], as it shows the way for human morals and betterment in life. The Kural has been translated into most languages, likely next only to the Bible, Qur'an and Gita .[citation needed]. The Latin translation of Thirukkural made by Constanzo Beschi in 1730 helped significantly to make known to European intellectuals the richness and beauty of Tamil literature.

Thirukkural is a combined word formed by joining the two words Thiru and Kural, i.e. Thiru + Kural = Thirukkural.

Thirukkural is divided into three sections. Section one deals with Aram, good ethical behavior with conscience and honor ("right conduct"), Section two discusses Porul, the right manner of conducting worldly affairs, and Section three dwells on Inbam, love between man and woman. The First section has 38 chapters, Second has 70 chapters and the Third 25 chapters. Each Chapters consists of 10 couplets or kurals thus making 1330 couplets in total.

There is a 133 feet tall statue of Saint Thiruvalluvar erected at the southern tip of Indian subcontinent (Kanyakumari) where the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean converge. The 133 ft denotes Thirukkural's 133 Chapters or athikarams and the show of three fingers denote the three themes Aram, Porul, and Inbam ie the Sections on Morals, Wealth and Love.

Two great souls born in India , we shall be always proud of our heritage.

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